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This program is offered for infants ages 6-weeks to 18-months-old.   Ms. Amanda, the lead infant teacher, has been with Marymount Child Care Center since 1995.   Ms. Maryann, co-teacher started in 2019. A lesson plan is prepared each week, keeping in mind that each infant will develop special developmental tasks and challenges related to their social, emotional, physical and cognitive development.  We believe that our babies will develop skills in all of these areas as they use their senses to gain security and identity by exploring the people and objects in their world.  Marymount Child Care Center finds it important to maintain small sized groups and low teacher to child ratios.

Developmental Domains

Physical Health - Is optimal when safe health practices and nutrition are combined with nurturing and responsive caregiving.

  • Child will be changed every two hours or when child shows signs of needing to be changed.

  • Child will be changed near a water source for quick handwashing to prevent the spread of infection.

  • Child will remain secure on a raised changing surface with a caregivers hand placed on them at all times.

  • Child's hands will be washed after diapering, before and after eating or having a bottle, after playing outside, upon arrival at the child care setting or whenever hands appear dirty.

Emotional & Social Development - The childs emerging ability to become secure, express feelings, develop self-awareness and self-regulation. They will develop an understanding of self and others and relate to other people and the environment.

  • Stops crying upon a seeing a familar face and hearing a familar voice.

  • Grasps caregivers shirt when child is held.

  • Lifts arms to be picked up.

  • Babbles back and forth with caregiver.

  • Crys for parent when they leave the room.

  • Displays anxiety with unfamilar adults.

  • Seeks comfort from my favorite toy or blanket.

  • Shows affection by hugging caregiver.

  • Expresses fear when seeing someone dressed up.

  • Seeks comfort from a caregiver when crying.

Small Motor Development - The child will develop small-muscle strength and control for detailed exploration and manipulation of objects.

  • Eyes blink when sun shines in them.

  • Grasps finger when placed in palm.

  • Follows moving person with my eyes.

  • Moves arms when seeing a toy.

  • Clasps hands together.

  • Brings hands to mouth.

  • Reaches for and grasps an object.

  • Bangs objects together.

  • Transfers a toy from one hand to next.

  • Turns the pages of a board book.

  • Takes a block out of a bin.

  • Picks up food and puts in mouth.

Large Motor Development - The child will develop large muscle strength and control to move within the environment.

  • Try to hold head when held chest and shoulder.

  • Turn head to both sides while lying on back.

  • Roll from front to back or back to front.

  • Hold myself up, first on two hand then on one, while on my tummy.

  • Scoot backward on my belly.

  • Crawl forward on my hands and knees.

  • Get into and out of a sitting position independently.

  • Creep up and down stairs on my belly, one step at a time.

  • Use couch to pull myself up to a standing position.

  • Stand up by myself.

  • Take two or three steps.

Language & Communication Development - The child will use listening and observation skills to develop and awareness of his or her world.  As she or he understands more sounds and words, they will begin to express their feelings using sounds, words, gestures and signs to express their wants or needs.

  • Watch my caregivers face as they speak to me.

  • Turn my head in the direction of a familar voice.

  • Reach for my bottle when ask do you want your bottle.

  • Babble using consonant sounds.

  • Demonstrate several different crys to express different needs.

  • Say "mama" or" dada".

  • Use one word sentences.

  • Begin to follow simple commands (Kiss baby or wave bye-bye).

  • Begin to say bottle instead of "baba".

  • Play "peek-a-boo" and "pat-a-cake".

Cognitive Development - The will develop an understanding of his or her world through explortion and discovery while developing strategies to solve problems.

  • Turn toward the sight, smell or sound of mom.

  • Be able to tell the difference between friendly or unfriendly voices.

  • Shake a rattle repeatedly to make sound continue.

  • Explore objects by mouthing, banging, shaking or hitting them.

  • Grasp a toy in my hand.

  • Use a wooden spoon, pots and pans, in various combinations, to make sounds over and over again.

  • Engage in trial and error learning.

  • Sort simple objects in different piles.

  • Cry to get my needs met.

  • Drop a toy and watch it fall.

  • Transfer a rattle from one hand to another.

  • Search for a hidden toy.

  • Touch the mouth or hair of another person.

  • Imitate my caregivers actions (wiping a table, rocking a baby, talking on a phone).

  • Crawl to edge of bed,then stop.

  • Imitate adult sounds when babbling.

  • Fill a bucket with toys or stack blocks again and again.

  • Push, pull and twist objects.

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